
Arthritis Care

Did you know there are over 100 types of arthritis? Our extensively trained CAREGiversSM​ learn about the most common types of arthritis and related conditions in order to provide responsive in-home care to your family member debilitated by joint disease. Our professional CAREGivers aim to help your family member stay active, prevent falls, eat well and accomplish routine activities of daily living.

Arthritis Care Activities & Benefits

We tailor our care plan to each client's unique needs. Arthritis care may include the following activities:

  • Encourage daily activity. Numerous studies validate movement as a therapy for arthritis. Daily movement can help your loved one maintain independence and mobility. Movement can also improve balance and minimize falls.
  • Drive to exercise class. If your family member participates water aerobics or some other organized fitness activity, we can provide safe, cheerful transportation to the facility. Our CAREGiver will wait for your loved one, then return him or her home for a hot meal, coffee and conversation.
  • Maintain a safe home environment to avoid falls. Our CAREGivers are trained in ways to help make a home "arthritis-friendly." We can remove clutter from traffic areas, make sure areas are well-lit, encourage the use of a cane or other assistive device, and even re-arrange the furniture to minimize trip hazards. We will work with your family member to make the home environment as safe and comfortable as possible.
  • Prepare nutritious meals. Some research suggests certain foods may help fight the inflammation of common types of arthritis. We can prepare meals that honor your loved one's eating preferences while incorporating inflammation-fighting foods like fruits, vegetables and olive oil.
  • Assist with activities of daily living. Not only will we assist your family member with difficult manual tasks like buttoning clothes, but we also can apply adaptive solutions for common problems, such as using tape or foam curlers on the toothbrush handle to make it easier to grasp. Our CAREGivers love to share their wealth of problem-solving knowledge in order to make life less frustrating for your family members who have arthritis.

Contact Us

For more information about in-home arthritis care services in the Huntsville, AL area, call us at (256) 883-3080.